What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged, often twisted blood vessels within the legs due to venous reflux. One-way valves in the leg veins function to pump blood back to the heart. Blood will flow backward and pool in the vein if a valve leaks or fails. Pressure increases, causing the bumpy, rope-like varicose veins. The development of varicose veins has been attributed to heredity, pregnancy, hormones, weight gain, and prolonged standing or sitting. While varicose veins are more frequently found in women, anyone can get them.

What are spider veins?

Properly named telangiectasias, spider veins are thin, web-like veins that are visible through the skin’s surface. Spider veins, can be red, blue or purple in color. Similar to varicose veins, the development of spider veins has been attributed to heredity, pregnancy, hormones, weight gain, and prolonged standing or sitting. While spider veins are more frequently found in women, anyone can get them.

What varicose vein procedures are performed at Acadiana Vascular Center?

Acadiana Vascular Center has a variety of treatment options available for those suffering from varicose veins. Depending on the results from your initial examination, your physician may recommend endovenous laser therapy, sclerotherapy, phlebectomy, or vein ligation.

What is Ambulatory Phlebectomy?

Ambulatory phlebectomy is a minimally invasive procedure, often combined with laser therapy for varicose veins that lie near the skin’s surface. Using a tumescent anesthesia, the superficial veins are removed through 2-3mm incisions in the skin. Because the incisions are so small, stitches aren’t necessary. Patients are encouraged to walk almost immediately after the procedure to aide in the healing process. Compression stockings are worn for up to four weeks following treatment.

What is vein ligation and stripping?

Vein ligation is a microsurgery for the treatment of varicose veins. Small incisions are made just above the vein on the skin’s surface. The faulty section of the vein is grasped through the incision, stitched closed (ligated), separated from the healthy section of the vein and removed (stripped). While Acadiana Vascular Center usually performs laser therapy for varicose veins, vein ligation is still a treatment option.

How is a laser procedure different from surgery?

  • The laser technology used in EVLT eliminates all the usual considerations of conventional surgery: extensive preparation, general anesthesia, the risk of infection, and a lengthy and painful recovery period.
  • The laser procedure is minimally invasive. The entry point through which the laser fiber is introduced to the target area is very small and doesn’t even require stitches.
  • With traditional surgery, there is a lengthy and painful recovery period. Following the laser treatment, you’ll be up and walking, quickly returning to normal activities.

I’ve heard about lasers being used in medicine but I’m not sure how they work. Are they safe?

Medical lasers work by delivering a highly concentrated beam of light energy to the targeted tissue with extreme precision, ensuring the surrounding tissue is unaffected. Their safety and effectiveness has been proven over years of use in a variety of medical procedures. Laser procedures offer far less risk than traditional surgery.

How long after the laser procedure will I see the results?

There may be some swelling in the treated area, but results could be seen immediately.

How long do laser results last?

There should be no reoccurrence in the veins that have been treated. Follow-up treatments may be desired to obtain the best aesthetic results.

Is sclerotherapy painful?

Sclerotherapy injections are performed with a very small gauge needle. Most patients liken the sensation to a small pinch or ant bite.

What can I expect after the spider vein treatment?

Following treatment, patients are asked to wear compression stockings on each treated leg. To improve blood flow and expedite recovery, we recommend a 20 minute walk or bike ride twice a day

How long do sclerotherapy results last?

There should be no reoccurrence in the veins that have been treated. Follow-up treatments may be desired to obtain the best aesthetic results.

What is a Vascular Screening?

The key to excellent vascular care is proper diagnosis and superior treatment options. Our vascular laboratory offers an array of vascular screening services to assure that you receive proper diagnosis and treatment for your vascular condition.

State of the art vascular screening ultrasounds are available to you as an Acadiana Vascular Center patient. A vascular screening will help identify unnoticed vascular conditions. These ultrasound screenings are painless, fast (about 10 minutes), and accurate. However, these screenings do not take the place of a physician’s exam.

What causes blockage in the arteries?

Blockages cause narrowing to the lumen of the arteries and reduce blood flow which can lead the cramping and pain in the legs or elsewhere. Blockages are caused by cholesterol or plague build up in the wall of the artery.

What are ways to prevent worsening of blockage in the arteries?

There are many ways to reduce or prevent blockage in the arteries including lifestyle modifications and medications. These include quitting smoking or do not smoking at all. Smoking is a major risk factor for developing blood vessel disease including those in the heart, neck, and legs. Regular exercise or walking every day for 30 minutes, eat a heart healthy diet, avoid or limiting alcohol. Follow up with your doctor regularly to control higher blood pressure, high blood sugar and cholesterol.

What effect does smoking have on my vascular system?

Smoking induces many chemicals into the blood stream which cause injury to the wall of the blood vessels. There are more than 7000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, and many of these chemicals are absorbed into the blood stream and causing injury to the blood vessels. Injured blood vessels lead to plague formation and blockage.

How does diet improve my vascular health?

A healthy heart diet reduces risk factors and reduces the risks of developing diseases in the blood vessels. Low salt diet helps lower blood pressure and low cholesterol diets help reduce cholesterol intake. Certain diets that including fruits, nuts and vegetable also supplement that body nutrients and which leads to better health of the blood vessels.